As an Army soldier, and around halfway through my deployment to Northern Iraq, the temperatures were  getting high, while everyone’s moral was very low.  Everyone including me just wanted to go home.  To makes things worse, a bridge had been destroyed by some ISIS dudes, near our location.  It was our only access which caused a hold up on all our supplies.  This only added to our already a difficult situation. Fortunately, we had a pile of Blue Star Mother care packages that were dropped off by a passing unit just a few days prior before the bridge was blown up.  These packages, which at first seemed like a pleasant gift, soon became direly important to us.  The snacks and comfort items in those packages really helped us get through those difficult days.  I’ll never forget what the impact that the Blue Star Mothers left on me and my unit during that deployment.  Thank you, Blue Star Mothers, for all that you do to support our troops. 

Rio Grande Valley Blue Star Mothers is celebrating its 20th Anniversary.  We chartered our chapter in 2004.  Twenty years has passed and Rio Grande Valley members are still completing successful missions by serving active duty military and veterans.

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